Post-Byzantine Period

Panagia is the oldest church in Goumenissa. It was built as a parish church in 1802, a three-aisled, wooden-roofed basilica. A peristyle was added to the west and south sides in 1837. In the interior there is a wood-carved iconostasis of exceptional art, carved by the craftsmen who also worked on the church of St. Athanasios Grivas.

The icons of the iconostasis are painted by the well-known Apostolos Loggianos Vodeniotis (second half of the 18th century), Devrelis Ditzos and other painters of the 19th century. Among the relics found there is the “protector” icon of the Virgin Mary, which dates to the 17th century and is associated with the foundation of Goumenissa.
In 1951, the church was converted into the Katholikon of a monastery and since then it has been functioning as a male commune. The Holy Metropolis of Goumenissa, Axioupolis and Polykastron is currently housed in buildings of the monastery.
