“Digital cultural routes in the Regional Unit of Kilkis with the use of new technologies”

The project entitled “Digital cultural routes the Regional Unit of Kilkis with the use of new technologies” is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the Priority Axis ” Development of mechanisms to support entrepreneurship” of the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” and from national resources of the Public Investment Program. The Funding body is the Ministry of Culture. The project concerns the utilization of digital media and the use of emerging technologies for the preservation, promotion, and media dissemination of the cultural heritage of the territorial jurisdiction of Kilkis Regional Unit. The project’s objective is the utilization from the Ephorate of Antiquities of Kilkis of ICT for the preservation and protection of the Ephorate’s archaeological repository.

More specifically, in the context of the project, the following work packaged were implemented:

  • Digitization and documentation of 41 archaeological sites and monuments, as well as of 1000 movable monuments from the permanent collection in order to preserve, display and promoting the digital cultural repository of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Kilkis. Within this work package panoramic photography of 150 points of archaeological interest was implementing to produce high quality 360° virtual tours.
  • 3D modelling of 6 emblematic archaeological sites of the region
  • Design and production of 6 videos for the thematic routes.
  • Website design and development for the online promotion of the Ephorate, as well as the cultural resources under its jurisdiction. In this way, the particular and multifaceted character of the organization is highlighted more, as its actions and work include a wide range of activities. In addition, the website allows the user to search for monuments and objects through multi-criteria search engine.
  • Interactive map with different layers of information
  • Interactive timeline allowing the user to see monuments and sites into chronological order starting with the most ancient all the way to the current period. The application is an alternative narrative tour and the visitor has the possibility to see more information, such as multimedia material, but also to discover associations with the movable monuments.
  • Digital tour guide for smart mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) enabling interaction with the visitor beyond the physical boundaries of the visited space. The mobile app acts as a guide when visiting historical monuments and sites and provides utmost importance to user experience, engagement and authenticity of the information presented.




ASSIGNING AUTHORITY: Ephorate of Antiquities of Kilkis




Athanassios Kartsoglou

Audiovisual productions

Seagull Space


Web& Application design and development

Tool Ltd

