Hellenistic Period

A fortified city is being revealed on a prominent plateau in the area of ancient Krestonia. It is located in the rural area of the communities of Kambani and Pedino, 8 kms south of the city of Kilkis and in the valley of Gallikos river. Excavations during 2021-2023 brought to light the monumental central gate of the city and part of its southern fortification wall including a square tower.

Based on the excavation finds, it is likely that the fortification wall of the Kambani-Pedino plateau was constructed in the second half of the 4th c. BC, although it is not possible to say, whether it should be attributed to the policy of strengthening the defense of cities, realized during the reign of Philip II or Cassander. Sporadic movable finds from the plateau and its surrounding area indicate the presence of a small city predating the fortification of the city. This is also indicated by the irregular urban plan, as suggested by the geophysical survey. The fortification was probably in use until at least the mid-2nd c. BC. Its abandonment or destruction can be connected to the war events of the second quarter of the 2nd c. BC, i.e. either the conquest of Macedonia by the Romans in 168 BC or Andriskos’s revolt in 148 BC. Certainly, though, habitation on the plateau continues in the Roman era. Future research will enrich our knowledge on the fortification works of the area and will shed light on aspects of the uneasy Hellenistic and Roman times.
