Byzantine Period
ελεύθερη είσοδος

Thirteen kms north of Kilkis, on the road to Cherso, the visitor will see a 6th c. Christian church, probably lying next to an ancient worship site. The church was brought to light by excavations during the years 2002-2005. It is a three-aisled basilica, in which the aisles were separated by a marble colonnade on pillar.

Its dimensions are 13.65 x 23.75 m, while the height of the surviving walls is over 1.0 m. Two annexes survive to the north and south of the narthex. The church floors are covered by mosaics and are decorated by white, blue, and red thick pebbles, a number of which is made by ancient roman members. Embedded to the church are Roman sculptures, such as altars and a votive relief with an inscription to the goddess Demetra.
