Modern Times

It is located 3 kilometers outside of Kilkis. The first burials date in April 1917, while in February 1921, after the end of the war, graves from the military cemetery in the village of Metaliko, Kilkis were transferred to it. This cemetery complex too was designed by the British architect, sir Robert Lorimer. Its stone-built enclosure has a perfectly circular shape, in the east side of which there is the entrance in the form of a gate.

Two main axes form the layout of the space: they create a cross in the center of the cemetery, the wings of which comprise the visitors’ paths. All four corners are occupied by rows of graves, each marked by a low, cement plaque, on which the name of the dead soldier and the battalion in which he served are inscribed. For non-identified soldiers there is the inscription “A soldier of the Great War known to God”.
