Modern Times

This is a significant industrial building, bearing special architectural and historical value. It consists of three wings, forming together a Π shape. They create an inner courtyard, which houses the factory’s engine and boiler rooms. The company was founded in 1928-1930 under the name Chrysalis, aiming at the production and trade of silk, at a time when sericulture and silk production was booming. From its foundation until about 1937 it managed to show growth.

During WWII and until the mid-50s, the factory suspended its operation. From 1956 until the late 70s, following a series of changes in its ownership, it was operating regularly. Until 1988 the plant operated seasonally, while since 1984 some parts of it functioned as entertainment halls. In 1999, the north wing of the plant was burned. The plant has been classified since 1985 as a preservable monument and in 2016 a study was carried out by AUTh for its restoration.
